Manage your boat bookings with ease!

All-in-one booking & ticketing solution for boat owners and agents.

Meet CrystalAgent

The all-in-one booking & ticketing solution for boat owners and agents.

Booking Engine

Streamline your bookings with CrystalAgent - a powerful booking engine.

Ticketing Engine

Experience the power of a cutting-edge ticket engine with CrystalAgent.

Passenger List

A simple and effective way to manage and export all passenger details digitally.


Simplify your invoicing process - All your invoices & receipts in one place.

Why Choose Us


All features in one platform.


Everything is one click away.


Competitive, easy to understand pricing.


We are there for you. Always!


In today’s digital age, the need for a strong online presence is more important than ever before. Businesses of all sizes are looking for ways to increase their reach and connect with customers in the online space. CRYSTALWEB is a boutique software house that is on the cutting edge of this new era of the web, providing state-of-the-art solutions for businesses looking to establish or enhance their online presence.