
Discover the full potential of CrystalAgent's robust feature list and take your boat trip bookings to new heights of efficiency and convenience.

A Feature-rich platform

Explore CrystalAgent

CrystalAgent is the ultimate booking and ticketing SaaS (software-as-a-service) platform for boat owners and travel agents seeking to simplify the process of managing their clients’ boat trips.

Web-based, feature rich, with a powerful engine for managing all your reservations, integrated calendar features, cutting-edge ticketing capabilities and invoicing, CrystalAgent offers a comprehensive suite of features to streamline every aspect of your booking process.

Invoicing is made effortless with our intuitive platform, making it easy for you to manage all aspects of your clients’ bookings in one place. Set sail with confidence and enjoy a hassle-free booking experience with CrystalAgent – the go-to platform for boat owners and agents seeking seamless and efficient aquatic adventures for their clients.

Booking Engine

Streamline your bookings with CrystalAgent – a powerful booking engine.

Ticketing Engine

Experience the power of a cutting-edge ticket engine with CrystalAgent.

Integrated Calendar

Effortlessly manage your boat bookings with CrystalAgent‘s integrated calendar feature.


Simplify your invoicing process – All your invoices & receipts in one place.

Passenger list

CrystalAgent‘s passenger list feature provides a simple and effective way to manage and export all passenger details digitally.

Advanced Reporting

Advanced reporting feature provides you valuable insights into booking trends and performance, enabling you to make data-driven decisions and optimize your business strategy for maximum success.

Detailed Settings

Customize the platform to fit your unique needs and preferences, gain complete control and flexibility over your booking process.


Powerful automation capabilities streamline your workflow and increase your efficiency.

Features List


Absolutely! CrystalAgent is web-based and supports multiple offices, workstations and users working concurrently. You can even assign different roles and security levels to your different users (ie booking-only, invoicing, ticket validation etc). Please note that the number of users affects the total pricing.

Yes! If you wish, one CrystalAgent account can manage:

  • multiple companies
  • multiple boats
  • multiple cruises


Please note that the number of the above affects the total pricing.

CrystalAgent keeps track of the available tickets / spots and allows you to book only these. You can even change the trip capacities per cruise per day and the platform will take care of the rest.

All tickets generated from CrystalAgent have a QR code on them as well as client, cruise and company-specific info like your logo. You can scan the QR with a smartphone and the platform checks the validity of the ticket.

Yes! CrystalAgent has functionality where you can reschedule or cancel a trip. You just select the new date and the platform will change all affected tickets and auto-inform your customers through e-mail or SMS (charges might apply).

Yes and no. CrystalAgent is a SaaS (software-as-a-service) platform and as the owners of it we have full control over the software and the data. Rest assured though that your data will not be used by anyone outside your company.

The agreement we sign before you start using the platform takes care of the data manipulation processes (including GDPR) so legally there is nothing to worry about.

CrystalAgent is a web-based software. This means that every desktop, laptop, tablet or mobile phone with an internet connection and a web browser can access it. You can have instant access to your data anywhere you are!

For the QR code scanning any modern mobile phone equiped with camera and internet connection can be used. The platforms does all the validation and informs you.

CrystalAgent‘s cost is calculated according to your needs. There is an initial setup cost and an annual running cost.

The annual cost depends on a number of factors:

  • How many companies / boats do you want to manage?
  • Do you want invoicing functionality for all of them?
  • How many active users do you want?

Feel free to contact us and discuss further what covers your needs.

The cost of any third-party platforms is not included. These might be:

  • email provider (if you exceed a specific number of emails per day)
  • SMS provider (if you want your customers to be informed this way)

Yes! A new feature is released where your clients can book directly from your website (charges apply).

You can issue simple receipts for the clients as well as invoices for your partners. CrystalAgent can auto-generate and send the receipts to your clients once the boat trip is completed, and inform about you the remaining number of tickets that need to be invoiced. The platform also has the ability to automatically send data to the Greek tax offices through myDATA.

Of course. The fact that CrystalAgent has an integrated invoicing module does not mean that you only have to use this.

We can also integrate CrystalAgent to your ERP / invoicing software and synchronize all the required data.

Please note that additional charges might apply.

Absolutely! CrystalAgent is a SaaS platform but we have the ability to implement and include custom features for you. We can discuss what you need and include them in a future release.

We generally avoid this because we want to make sure that everything runs flawlessly for our clients. As a SaaS CrystalAgent has to be managed by us, making sure that everything works as expected, everything is backed-up and new features do not affect current functionality.

We can discuss though and decide if your needs will be better covered with a new installation.